Your Virtual Senior Center
Virtual programs are offered through the Senior Learning Network and other partners.
SLN Virtual Programs can be viewed at home or at The Thompson. Please indicate your preference when registering in advance.
Spies & Disguise: American Women During the American Revolution/ Army Women’s Museum
Tuesday, September 10, 2:00 pm
From the beginning of our country, women fought right alongside their male counterparts, helping to create the United States of America.
Follow the journey of American women in a variety of different roles from early camp followers, to spies for the Army, to even dressing up and impersonating as a man to help fight in our original war for independence. Join us as the U.S. Army Women’s Museum will lead us through our early beginnings as a nation by examining photographs and artifacts to discover women’s contributions throughout our history.
Supernatural Stories from Japan: National Museum of Asian Art
Tuesday, September 17, 2:00 pm
Explore—if you dare—the roles that ghosts and spirits play in the retelling of Japanese legends and real events. Join our expert educators in this interactive program to investigate artwork from Japan and discover stories of scary ghosts, powerful demons, and funny monsters you won’t soon forget. Join us for this fun and whimsical program from our friends at the Museum!
Elephant Update! Elephant Sanctuary, TENN
Tuesday, September 24, 2:00 pm
It’s time to visit our friends at the Elephant Sanctuary! Join us as we see what is new, and WHO is new in this very special home for these intelligent creatures with complex physical and social needs.
Since 1995, The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee has provided home and care to 33 elephants. Currently, there are 12 elephant residents, with space to welcome more. The Sanctuary initially began on 110 acres and has since expanded to encompass multiple separate and protected, diverse habitats, spanning over 3,060 acres. The Sanctuary is honored to provide lifelong care for elephants. The changing needs of elephants as they age require lifetime care plans. The shared commitment to each elephant’s health and well-being often leads to beneficial collaboration with other elephant facilities and owners